Hi All,
We are starting a new podcast series to help educate and inform our members about the team, it's happenings and how to succeed in the sport in general. It is a part of the plan to increase our families engagement and ensure that we are all the best educated and informed team on the planet. The new website is a big part of this initiative. Thanks for bearing with us as we migrate. We know that it will be a big win/win when this migration is complete.
Below is the first in the podcast series. It is an overview of how we structure a season from a training perspective. While not a complete deep dive into the process, it should give you a better understanding of how we create and structure the workouts for the higher level groups. We will delve deeper into this process in future episodes. For now, check it out and let us know your thoughts. If you have questions, always feel free to reach out.
See you at the pool - Rich
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5555 Volusia Street, Boca Raton,
FL 33431, United States
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SWIM: FAASwimming@gmail.com
DIVE: FAADiving@gmail.com
LESSONS: FAALessons@gmail.com
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